About this Digital Zine

TheNeverZine is an independent publication launched in May 2024 from TheNeverPress. We'll be reporting back from out there on the things we love, the things we discover and the things we create.

What we're up to

Our dispatches will cover a whole range of stuff - from movie, TV, book, music and theatre reviews, to news & events as well as new original writing and investigative pieces about the arts, artists and all those wonderful people out there creating amazing stuff that might just be a little too under-the-radar and needs celebrating.

The content on this site will be a mix of stuff that's free for everyone, and also work that's for subscribers only - the way to pick that particular lock is to simply sign up with your email, for free, to get involved.

There may, in the future, be some gated work that will be available for a small subscription fee. This will likely be more work that has a higher production value - audio or video work, or commissioned reports or new writing that's a touch more hefty. We're not there yet, so don't worry - we will take our time to get it right and make sure everyone is happy with how it's going to shake out before we start rattling the tin. Just letting you all know that it's on our mind for a little way down the line.

What we're about

TheNeverPress is an independent publishing house specialising in magical-realist fiction, poetry, and audio. And a podcast about movies and racehorses. All of it curiously off-beat.

We value our independence and plan to release a few publications each year in a unique fashion: paperbacks, zines such as this one along with printed editions, online serialisations, podcasts, recitals and film screenings. Anything we can dream up, we’ll try and make it happen. We might not be a publishing behemoth right now, but that’s fine by us. We’re just going our own way.

We’re a collective of artists, writers, specialists and creatives who want to build a strange, punk label that is authentic, meaningful, ethical and always goes full tilt.

Getting involved

At TheNeverPress we are absolutely brimming with creative ideas and bursting with vision and we are eager to get more people involved - writers, artists, creatives, journalists... if you share our ideals of being independent, curious, caring, authentic and if you see things in a different way then get in touch and let's see if we can make some cool shit together.

Coming along for the ride

Join a community of other subscribers who share the same interests. Sign up for access to all our content and also mailouts for news from TheNeverPress on our publications and events.